Y ferch o blwy Penderyn (The Girl from Penderyn Parish)

St Cynog’s Church, Penderyn, Breconshire

Another regretfully infrequent occurrence of Welsh music this week. Here it is performed by the singer Meredydd Evans, whose album Traditional Welsh Songs was a landmark recording in Welsh folk music.

Y ferch o blwy Penderyn

‘Rwy’n caru merch o blwyf Penderyn, ac yn ei chanlyn ers lawer dydd ;
Ni allwn garu ag un ferch arall, er pan welais ‘run gron ei grudd.
Mae hi’n ddigon hawdd ei gweled, er nad yw ond dyrnaid fach ;
Pan elo i draw i rodio’r caeau, fy ‘nghalon glaf hi wna yn iach.

Pan o’wn i’n myned ar ryw fore yn hollol ddiflin tua’m gwaith,
Mi glywn aderyn ar y brigyn yn tiwnio’n ddiwyd ac yn faith,
Ac yn d’wedyd wrthyf innau, “Mae’r ferch wyt ti’n ei charu’n driw
Yn martsio’i chorff y bore fory tua rhyw fab arall, os bydd hi byw.”

‘Rwy’n myned heno, dyn am helpo, i ganu ffarwel i’r seren syw ;
A dyna waith i’r clochydd fory fydd torri ‘medd o dan yr yw !
A than fy enw’n ‘sgrifenedig ar y tomb wrth fôn y pren,
Fy mod i’n isel iawn yn gorwedd yng ngwaelod bedd o gariad Gwen.

English Translation:

(1) I love a girl from Penderyn Parish
And have been following her for many days
I could not love another girl
Since I saw the one with the round cheek
It is so easy to see her
Although she is only a little thing
When she goes out to walk the fields
She makes my ailing heart well

(translation for verse 2 unavailable thus far)

(3) I’m going this evening, may [God] help me
To sing farewell to the lovely star
And here’s a job for the sexton tomorrow
To dig my grave under the yew
And carve my name, written,
On the stone at the bottom of the wood
That I am lying very low down
In the bottom of a grave from the love of Gwen

2 thoughts on “Y ferch o blwy Penderyn (The Girl from Penderyn Parish)

  1. Superb quality tenor voice..No surprise coming from Wales.. excellent..!! More of it please ! ac Cymru Am Byth…

  2. Second verse:

    When I was walking one morning, full of enthusiasm, to my work/ I heard a bird on a branch singing vigorously and tediously/ And the thought came into my head: “The girl you love so truly/ Is going off with another boy tomorrow morning, if she live that long’

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